International research collaboration between Muhammadiyah university of Makassar and Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Language.

UNISMUH.AC.ID, SAMARKAND, UZBEKISTAN – Eny Syatriana, a lecturer and researcher at Muhammadiyah Makassar University, has collected data for her research entitled “Exploring the Experiential Learning Cycle Application in Depth: A Case Study of Muhammadiyah University Makassar and Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Language”. The research team consisted of two campuses, namely Muhammadiyah Makassar University and Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages, Uzbekistan.

The research team from Muhammadiyah Makassar University consisted of Dr. Eny Syatriana M.Pd as Team Leader, Ariana M.Pd, and St Fathin. Meanwhile, the team from Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Language consisted of Abdullayeva Lola Tohirovna, Ph.D., Suleymanova Nargiza Mardonovna, Ph.D., Parsayeva Malika, Muxtarova Shaxnoza, and Tuyq’unnova Shohsanam.

This research was conducted with the aim of exploring the application of experimental learning cycles in depth at both campuses and finding effective ways to develop reading comprehension skills and metacognitive reading strategies in students. The results of the research will become a reference in the development of a more effective curriculum and learning strategy.

Guest Speaker activities in the form of an International Seminar with the theme “Boost Your Literacy of Metacognitive Reading Strategies” were held on Friday, April 7 2023, in the English Faculty II hall, Samarkand State Institute.

This seminar aims to discuss metacognitive reading strategies and the importance of these strategies in improving reading comprehension skills.

Metacognitive reading strategies are a means to help readers monitor and evaluate their own reading process, so as to increase the effectiveness of the cognitive strategies used. In addition, metacognitive reading strategies also train higher order thinking skills in reflective learning schemes.

This seminar is expected to provide a better understanding of metacognitive reading strategies and provide benefits for participants in improving their reading comprehension skills.

Eny Syatriana revealed that the Chancellor of the Samarkand Institute of Foreign Language really responded to the collaboration with Unismuh, which had been contained in the form of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), Memorandum of Agreement (MoA), and Implementation of Agreement (IA).

This collaborative research will involve lecturers to share learning methods that are appropriate between countries. Apart from that, there are also visiting scholar activities including, as guest speakers at international seminars, sitting classes, research data collection, and journal publications. This activity is also carried out for lecturers and students to be able to exchange experiences globally.

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